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AQSIQ Certificate 13357103098乔图1

AQSIQ Certificate 13357103098乔

2014-03-14 17:590询价
价格 面议
发货 浙江杭州市付款后3天内  
本公司供应进口废料境外AQSIQ注册材料,京贸环达,质量保证,不成功全额退款。至今900余家全球废料行业国内外客户的成功案例,可供您随时查询。 本文为申请境外AQSIQ注册登记材料详细说明: 进口废物原料国外供货商应准备的相关资料(AQSIQ 注册): (一)《进口可用作原料的固体废物国外供货商注册登记申请书》:应按照《进口可用作原料的固体废物国外供货商注册登记申请书>填写说明》的要求,通过“进口废物原料检验检疫电子监管系统”在线填写完毕后提交,打印生成。注册申请书需有法定代表人手签名和企业印鉴原件,需提供正本。 (二)经公证的商业登记文件和/或税务登记文件。 (三)组织机构、部门和岗位职责的说明。 (四)标明尺寸的固定办公场所平面图,有加工场地的,还需提供加工场地平面 图,能全面展现上述场地实景的视频文件或者 8 张以上照片。 (五)放射性检测仪器相关资料。 (六)ISO9001 质量管理体系或 RIOS 体系等认证证书彩色复印件及相关作业指 导文件。 (1)原料验收制度和出货前检验制度 (2)不合格货物、危险废物、夹杂物控制及处置制度 (3)仪器设备计量校准制度 (4)员工培训制度 (5)引入的外来法规性文件清单 (Ⅰ)Application Form for registration of foreign suppliers of solid wastes imported to be used as raw materials. (Ⅱ)The notarial tax registration documents and available business registration documents. (Ⅲ)Descriptions of organization, departments and post duties. (Ⅳ)The plan of fixed office place and video files or pictures which can comprehensively show the actual view of above place. (V) Relevant supporting data for radiation detector. (Ⅵ)The materials needed for the registration in AQSIQ are as follows: (1) Raw material acceptance system and pre-shipment inspection system. (2) Disqualified goods, dangerous waste, and inclusion control and disposal systems. (3) Instrument and equipment measurement and calibration system. (4) Employee training system. (5) List of introduced foreign law and regulation documents. After establishment of the agency service with us, we will send you. The detailed documents list and all documents samples accordingly. 确立代理服务合同后,我司会将详细的资料描述以及各项资料样本发送给贵 司,以便资料准备。 After establishment of the agency service with us, we will send you. The detailed documents list and all documents samples accordingly. 乔洪飞(Mr. Levis) Regional Manager of East China K&C International Consulting Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Branch 9/F, Building A,Delixi Mansion No.28 Xueyuan Road,Xihu District Hangzhou 310012,CHINA TEL: 86571-8601 0586 Mobile: 86 13357103098 QQ: 1806901422 FAX: 86(0)571-2813 8800 E-mail: sale@aqsiqservice.com MSN: aqsiqcncn@live.com Website: www.aqsiqservice.com ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Apply, renew variate and increase type of AQSIQ and ISO for enterprises to export and import into China; AQSIQ cotton registration service for overseas supplier enterprise. 我们对客户的承诺,办理不成功,全额退款! 乔经理 手机: 13357103098 QQ: 1806901422 Skype: jmhd010 电话:0571-8601 0586 传真:0571-5675 7802 信箱: sale@aqsiqservice.com 杭州分公司: 杭州西湖区学院路28号德力西大厦A座9层 广东分公司: 佛山市禅城区季华五路2号卓远国际商务大厦11层 北 京 总部: 北京朝阳区朝阳北路99号大悦城1号楼3110室 天津分公司:天津市和平区南京路235号河川大厦A座16C 上海分公司:上海市浦东新区牡丹路60号东辰大厦5层504室 青岛分公司:青岛市市南区贵州路40号瀚海华庭403室 香港分公司:香港上環文鹹東街97號永達商業大廈3樓E3室
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